
I’m a self taught “artist” who uses art to get the innermost me out to the world. Whether people see it, or understand it, is not the real essence of why I paint – it’s just to get it out of me……

I’m innately drawn to abstraction because my paintings are my means to express my personal experiences, emotions and feelings at a particular time in my life, and as such each one will not necessarily provide you with “the answer”, as to what it’s about, but instead will hopefully invoke a more visceral reaction and “a question” in you.

I create art to stimulate dialogue with the viewer, and to seek to initiate a relationship between you and the emotion expressed in the work – if that happens for you, then bask in your conversation with the painting and enjoy the story that it speaks to you – if it doesn’t speak to you, then don’t waste time seeking a deeper meaning, just walk on by.

If any of my work makes you feel something, be it happy, peaceful, angry, or perhaps confused, uncomfortable or unsure, then my job here is done.

I hope you enjoy this small insight into me through my work.